The ATELIER NETWORK is an international filmmakers association. Its members are the alumni of the Atelier Ludwigsburg-Paris, which is a cooperation between La Fémis (Paris), Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg (Ludwigsburg) and the NFTS (London). Since its creation in 2004, the ATELIER NETWORK has developed into a unique association with around 250 representatives in the most important sectors of the film industry all over the world.
The ATELIER NETWORK is engaged in all major Film Festivals. It hosts regular meetings and events at Berlinale, Cannes and at the Franco-German Film Academy’s annual conference as well as other festivals. The aim of the ATELIER NETWORK‘s activities is to drive European ideas and international co-production further by promoting closer cooperation across countries and industry sectors. The association puts special emphasis on integrating young international talent into the market. As a member you receive news concerning jobs, events and fellow members’ projects. There is a patronage and ambassadors programme, which strengthens the ties between our members and helps them to get information in each country. To help you stay connected, why not join us online on Facebook and Linked In.
Principles, Aims and Goals:
- Strengthen the cooperation amongst filmmakers all over the world by supporting communication between all members of the Atelier Network. Help establish ties across borders and connect people.
- Make use of the great ability we have as a unique International Filmmakers’ association. Enhance visibility of the great achievements of our members and promote their work. We have a strong voice and we use it.
- Incorporate the annual new members into the network and support them wherever we can, for them to achieve their goals and go as far as they can.
- Reach out to all countries and regions of Europe and beyond to find the best partners and talent.
- Broaden horizons by presenting new possibilities to make film in other regions and countries. Stay connected, share your passion for film and never forget to enjoy the ride.
Current board

Katharina Würthner-Underwood
(Berlin, Vienna)
Year of 2015

Jasmin Göken
Year of 2021

Andrea Kuehnel
Year of 2018

Dominga Ortúzar Bullemore
Year of 2018

Jean Aria Mouy
Year of 2018

Rumena Ivanova
Year of 2022

Tiko Nadirashvili
Year of 2021

Anne Christine Knoth
Year of 2012-2022 (Programme Coordinator)
Ambassador Program
The aim of the Ambassador Program is to strengthen the exchange of knowledge across boarders within the Atelier Network. It facilitates gaining insights to other countries’ film industries. It’s a tool to open more possibilities of finding partners abroad. Some of our alumni kindly volunteer to take on the role of an ambassador for a certain amount of time, in which she / he will assist to answer your questions about her / his territory’s film industry… As an Atelier Network member you can contact any of the below listed ambassadors and they will provide you with the knowledge they have or offer to put you in contact with someone, who can help you out. If it is about local funding, distribution, sales or potential business partners… Just ask!
Patronage program
The Atelier Network offers the Patronage Program for its young and freshly graduated members. In case you would like some guidance or information during your current or future job search, we can offer to connect you with someone from our network with the skillset to do so. Please provide us with three research parameters: 1) preferred country / city 2) field of interest, eg distribution, sales or production 3) availability starting date. The program is not only a tool to ease the job search but also to tighten the relationships amongst its members across ages and countries. For further details please contact Dario Vecchiato (Head of the Ambassador and Patronage Program)
List of Ambassadors
Elodie Brunner (Switzerland)
Marina Gumzi (Slovenia)
Elizabeth Kormanova (Bulgaria)
Robin Andelfinger, Marie Volkenner (Belgium)
Joseba Gorordo (Spain)
Maria Blicharska (Poland)
Melanie Chebance (France)
Alex Boden (UK)
Tamas Joo, Genoveva Petrovits (Hungary)
Panos Achouriotis (Greece)
Marie Lesage (Luxembourg)
Alice Tabery (Czech Republic)
Anita Draghici (Romania)
Dario Vecchiato (Italy)
For further details please contact Dario Vecchiato
(Head of the Ambassador and Patronage Program)
If you want to become an Ambassador, please write us!
The Atelier Network’s main goal is to strengthen the ties amongst its members and the industry. It therefore organises frequent events, for colleagues and friends as well as for its members.
There is the so-called “Stammtisch” for all members, which regularly takes place in different cities. It is a German word describing the habit of meeting one’s regulars on a consistent basis.
For all the friends, partners and colleagues, the Atelier Network organises big events, particularly during the Berlinale and the Cannes Film Festival. During the annual Rendez-Vous-Franco-Allmande the Atelier Network is responsible for one of the Panel Discussions, as well as organising a party for all the participants.